Kamis, 25 Agustus 2011

YouTubetorial: Getting a Clean Scalp

I saw the title of this video by You Tube's PrettyDimples01 and immediately wanted to share with all of you. If you're like me and struggle with some scalp issues, you probably enjoy learning as much as you can and trying new ways to keep the scalp healthy. I especially liked this video because I also wear twists a lot and do not always want to remove them to cleanse my scalp.The original goal for the video was to be able to wash the scalp without getting the rest of her hair wet. As you'll see later on, things did not go exactly as planned however the resulting style was still beautiful. It gets pretty funny a few minutes in when you see what method she attempts to keep her twists dry while she cleanses!Click to watch:After all is said and done, the takeaway for me was the fact that she accomplished...

Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Natural Hair: The US Surgeon General Explains Why Health Should Trump Hair

{Photo Credit}If you do a google search for Black women, hair and exercise, 12.5 million results pop up. There are seemingly endless blog posts, articles, and videos dedicated to the dilemma so many black women face regarding their health and hairstyles. The ability to exercise freely without the worry of ruining or sweating out a style is one of the main reasons some Black women decide to ditch the chemicals and embrace their natural texture.I know that in this forum I am preaching to the choir and this is not new news. But, in case you are unaware of the issue, this excerpt sums up the sentiment:According to the American Journal of Public...

Kamis, 18 Agustus 2011

Natural Hair: Erykah Badu to Host Natural Hair Parade

{Image from essence.com}The buzz around the net is that Erykah Badu will be sponsoring and hosting a natural hair parade in Dallas, Texas over the Labor Day weekend! This is a free event to celebrate natural hair and share knowledge in the process. {Event Facebook Page}Some more info about the parade: Isis Brantley, also known as the "guru of natural hair care," is celebrating 31 years of natural hair prowess and, being a spokeswoman for black ancestral culture, is throwing the "Nation's First World Natural Hair Parade And Festival" in Dallas, Texas. Read the rest here.Do you live in the Dallas area? Would you attend a natural hair parade? If...

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Natural Hair: Shelli's Hair Journey

Shelli from hairscapades.com sent me her hair story to share. She has gorgeous hair so check out her journey. Thanks Shelli!Q: How long have you been natural?A: I’ve been natural for about 11 years.Q: Were you a long term or short term transitioner, and why?A: I guess I was a relatively short term transitioner, if you could even call it transitioning. I BC’d at 6 months post relaxer. Those terms and the idea of “transitioning” didn’t exist in my world or vocabulary at the time. I got my first relaxer and hair cut at 13 at a salon. From then on, either my mom or I relaxed my hair once every 6 months with a home perm. I could probably count...

Selasa, 09 Agustus 2011

Natural Hair: New Site for Coupons and Online Deals

{photo}I received this email in my inbox and wanted to pass it along. I am not affiliated with this site or company in any way, simply wanted to share in case it interests you. Let me know how it works if you end up using it.Naturally Me! Media, LLC announces the launch of the first and only website that features coupon codes and offers from curly hair product and natural hair product brands on NaturalHairProductDeals.com. Due to the increasing amount of women going natural and purchasing natural hair care products online,Naturally Me! Media realized the need for an one-stop website that offers women a simple and organized way to share and use...

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Natural Hair: Homemade Mix & A Cornrow Twistout Style

A few days ago I decided to combine some of my favorite oils together with some shea butter. In the past I've combined coconut oil with shea butter and used that to seal my ends. This time, I added a few other oils to the mix.Here's what I did and what you'll need if you want to try:Ingredients:Shea Butter (5+ tablespoons)Vatika Coconut Oil (2 tablespoons)Grapeseed Oil ( 1 tablespoon)Castor Oil (2 tablespoons)Vitamin E Oil (1 tablespoon)Steps:1. Heat shea butter so it is slightly, but not totally, melted.2. Warm the Vatika oil (or any coconut oil) if it is solid. Measure 2 tablespoons and add to the shea butter.3. Measure 1 tablespoon of grapeseed...

Tracee on Top!

{Photo Source}I don't know why but I love glossy magazine covers. Especially when beautiful ladies like Tracee Ellis Ross grace the front page. In the September edition of Essence mag, she will be discussing her new BET sitcom, Reed Between the Lines. I like her as an actress and she seems like a really down to earth person. I remember seeing her on one of the last episodes of Oprah and she had such a nice energy. Of course her style is amazing and her hair is simply gorgeous! Will you check out her new show?{Photo Source}Reed Between the Lines, starring Tracee Ellis Ross (Girlfriends) and Malcolm-Jamal Warner (The Cosby Show), pictured above....

Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Culture & Society: The New Spider-Man habla Español?

{Photo Source}According to Latina.com, Marvel Comics is gearing up to debut a new character, replacing Peter Parker as Spider-Man. Miles Morales, an Afro-Latino teen, is helmed to take over in the role of the arachnid super hero as part of the Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man series September relaunch.Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief Alex Alonso shared insight on the New York City teen hero in a broader context. “What you have is a Spider-Man for the 21st century who's reflective of our culture and diversity,” he said. “We think that readers will fall in love with Miles Morales the same way they fell in love with Peter Parker.” (excerpt from Latina.com)I...

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